10 May 2013

Is it Possible?

I wonder, to much chagrin, is it possible to achieve spiritual enlightenment while living among the populace, continuing a life as prescribed by society?  It seems most, if not all, who achieve a certain level of enlightenment seem to forego a path within the typical populace, becoming monks, priests, rabbi's in a secular environment to study from within.  To attain high spiritual growth do you have to walk into the forest alone such as Walden had? I believe you do.  At least for a significant amount of time.  The distractions living among the crowd are almost insurmountable.  To leave your family, your offspring, to venture onto the path toward enlightenment as Buddha did almost seems disgraceful and quite the opposite of the Teachings.  In fact, the story of the Prince who walks out on his newborn and dying wife simply is off-putting to say the least.  I know the sublime nature of finding one's self, I personally have had an amazing experience, a spontaneous enlightened moment of which no words would ever be able to describe.  I know Nirvana, I know what everyone is seeking, I've been there, I know it is possible.  Wondering whether this insight has been a blessing or a curse over the years has confounded me.  To seek you shall never find.  To know, how can you not seek?  Such a conundrum, a labyrinth, a Mobius strip.  To attain such a state of grace whilst living a life of validation is simply not possible, but I must try, I will not leave my son.  I know what awaits after the ever after, the consciousness of being.  So, at this juncture in life, I am trying to turn to simplicity, enjoyment, fulfillment, acknowledgment, understanding, acceptance, and adequacy until such a time I may venture forth into the forest alone on the quest of quests.  To understand is only the first step of a very long journey which isn't measured in a lifetime, but many lifetimes.

06 May 2013

Post Script

Thinking of the past quickens the heart leading into thoughts of the future. Who sits just enjoying the now? Was the past better? Worse? The future? Part of beginning life is releasing the analyzing, the daydreaming, parasitic thoughts which enjoy controlling the wanting of the future and the pining of the past. Simply enjoying this moment in life is sublime. No worries here, nothing to think about, nothing to annoy. Simple and profound. Just acknowledging the beauty which surrounds, the love abounds. To put away worries and wants, to-do tasks and financial stressors, stopping the flood of thoughts just for a moment, a split second, and enjoy the quietude in the night. What an amazing moment in time.

04 May 2013

Exponential Potential

Inside it stirs. An invisible mass, imperceptible in the beginning. Hidden from consciousness, camouflaged with thought. Unnoticed by most, patiently lying dormant, waiting, sometimes through generations, for a moment of stillness in one's mind to surface. Maybe a glimpse is caught, confusion abounds. Tranquility beyond reality, a light of peace sweeping through the heart.  This glimpse, this glimmer of true nature, quickly swallowed by thought. To make sense of the senseless. To name the nameless. Put aside but never forgotten. Life returns, breached slightly by an insight into the knowing. Always nagging, an inner feeling never too far away. To see, to hear, to touch pervades the being. If chased it is fleeting, never to be found. Only stillness of mind and heart bring it about. Once witnessed, fear subsides, simplicity abounds, life radiates, vibrations flow. The connectedness is enriched.

01 May 2013

Boredom pervades my soul

Being unemployed is taking its toll. Odd, when working, I have issues with not enough time to enjoy life, yet when I have too much time on my agenda, it seems it's worse. Depression sets in, lethargy usurps my day, and I go into a mental meltdown. Finding things to fill my day becomes arduous, yet being slothful diminishes any productive behavior. I need to set my mind straight for tomorrow and begin the day with a fresh step in the forward direction instead of stagnating in a pool of misery. To reset my brain is the goal for tomorrow.